2XRX: Doubling the Optical Opportunity  
Date & Time
Friday, February 14, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Jonathan Smith
There is a massive opportunity to increase the number of frames sold in every practice. This course provides the optician the opportunity to understand how each person, in an optical practice, should define themselves and discover the best way to get you and your staff comfortable with doubling the optical opportunity. Upon completion of this program, the participant should be able to: 1) Learn 4 easy steps that can make a difference in every office, change patients to customers, and increase practice revenue. 2) Use proven retail techniques that help sell more than one pair of frames to each patient. 3) Understand the 3P Technique that defines the Presentation, Performance and Product
Location Name
Coronado C-D
Full Address
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
1000 Buena Vista Dr.
Orlando, FL 32830
United States
1 hour of COPE